Our online Level 2 Advanced HACCP Food Safety Skills Training Course is mapped to the food Safety authority of Ireland (FSAI) training guidelines. The aim of this course is to provide food workers with training in the principles of food safety and covers the necessary skills required to practice HACCP effectively in the workplace.
It must be completed by chefs, food preparation staff, supervisors, managers, and any person handling food.
Certified for 2 years by Food Safety Excellence Ireland.
It is a suitable refresher course for previously trained food handlers.
Course content:
- Food Safety
- Microbiological Hazards
- Food Contamination
- HACCP from Delivery to Storage
- HACCP from Food Preparation to Service
- HACCP for Allergen Control
- HACCP Pre-requisites: Personal Hygiene, Cleaning, Pest Control, Labelling & Traceability, Premises and Structures, Services, Calibration
- HACCP Record Management
- Food Safety Culture
- Food Safety Law and Enforcement
- Work sheets & Test
Duration of this course: Approx 2.5 Hours